The animal world is considered one of the interesting sciences for children, as its forms and sounds attract a lot of attention, and it is important for parents or teachers to adopt the principle of classification with children in relation to this beautiful world, until it finds great benefit in the mechanism of asking scientific information and facilitating its reception. The teacher begins to lay down the basis for classification for the animals raised, based on one of the methods we will mention in this article.
Principles of classification of animals Environment:
By this, we mean in the middle of living with respect to the animal, either it is from water such as fish and whales, or from amphibians such as some types of turtles and crocodiles, and the teacher can refute the wild environment into forests, deserts and mention the dwellings of animals, birds and insects. Colors: It limits its colors to groups such as green, brown, dotted and striped. Nutrition: Since animals are living organisms that are consumed, they must depend on their food either on plants and herbs and so-called herbivores, or that they feed on other animals such as eating falcons for snakes, hunting lions for rabbits and deer, and thus their name becomes carnivorous. Familiarity: Many children wish to have a pet in the house and take care of it, so it is necessary to clarify this point because it will not be possible to acquire a bear, lion, or hyena.
Information about some cat animals:
Among the most familiar animals, which feed on meat, hunt mice and birds, and are characterized by their good vision in the dark. The camel: It is called the ship of the desert, as it gives us a lesson in patience for hunger and thirst, and it is of two types: camel with hump and camel with two humps, and this fat hump provides it with energy, and it is one of the animals that eat herbs, and humans benefit from it in its milk, flesh, lint, and skin, They used to ride on the road to travel, to carry heavy things, because of its wide moans, so that they could walk on the desert sands. The cow: It feeds on grass, tree leaves, lakh in many colors, but the most common ones are those with white and black spots. Cows provide us with meat, milk, and leather. They help the farmer grow and harvest the fields. Horse: It is characterized by speed, and its sound is called Sahil, it eats grains and herbs, and people used it old to ride it and to pull carts. Rabbit: Eats grass and weeds, we raise it for its flesh and fur, and is characterized by a strong sense of hearing, and sight. Monkey: lives on trees, and not only eat bananas, but some types eat meat, nuts, and fruits, and they have many types and shapes.